I sat down and wrote these in the past couple days. One was published yesterday and the other today. Take a look.
We have all been doing really well. We took Mimi trick or treating on Halloween. She was a ladybug. I put up an album of her pics. I am sure daddy will Photoshop a nice Halloween pic of her again this year. I'll post it when it is finished.
She LOVED Halloween! She toddled right up to people's doors and dropped her pumpkin in front of them, then she would look at them like..."Uh..put the candy in!" She got the hang of it really quick! She would cry when we had to pick her up between houses becaused she liked it so much! There were a group of houses that set up a haunted maze in their combined backyards. It was awesome. They had smoke and scary music and nasty looking creatures walking around scaring people. Millanah is JUST like her daddy! She loved it. There were kids screaming and crying, not Mimi! She looks right at the monsters smiles, waves and says "Hi!!" She wasn't scared of any of it!
Last night Rob took me to have Sushi. Yum! We had a great time. Mimi really tries to master the chopsticks! She loves Japanese food too! We love it that she likes so many different types of food and we plan on introducing as many different kinds as we can.
We started Christmas shopping. I love it...retail therapy! Rob is getting so much better about it too. I think after 5 years he realizes that its not going to change. Plus, he sees how happy it makes me.
We are planning on going home for Mississippi and tha makes me REALLY happy. We thought that we would stay in NJ this year because of the expense. But Rob told me last week that if I really wanted to go home he was fine with it. We want to see all the kids. I get really sad when I am away from my babies for too long, he feels bad about that. So...home we will go!
Anyway, things are awesome. Look at my articles...thats it! :)